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restore from hard drive backup

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Hello, my server crashed. We had been backing up to external hard drives. On the new server I reinstalled Retrospect and tried to create a new catalog from the data file on the backup disk. First it said error file locked, then I unlocked it through the finder and tried again and it just creates a blank catalog. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. -Derryl



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We had been backing up to external hard drives


Retrospect backs up to Backup Sets of various Types. What Type of Backup Set are you using (from the sound of your report, it's likely that you are using a Removable Disk Backup Set, but please confirm).


I ... tried to create a new catalog from the data file on the backup disk


What were the exact steps you took?


First it said error file locked


What was the exact wording of the error?


I unlocked it through the finder and tried again and it just creates a blank catalog


What is a "blank catalog"?

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I believe that I was using the option 'external hard drives'


When I try to restore the entire disk to the state of the last backup I can only go to 'More' and then 'Rebuild' and then 'File backup set'. If I choose Removable disk I am told no removable disks are present. So after choosing 'File backup set':


- The catalog portion of Retrospect Data is damaged.

Would you like to repair it?


I select Yes.


Couldn't repair catalog Retrospect Data, error -61 (writing denied)


If I go to the finder and select get info and deselect 'locked' It will not produce an error when I select yes but creates a catalog that is completely empty.



Any help would be appreciated. Recovering from a catastrophe shouldn't be so frustrating. Thanks. -Derryl

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I believe that I was using the option 'external hard drives'


If this is the answer to "What Type of Backup Set are you using" then there is no such Type of Backup Set.


Look at the Retrospect User's Guide; you'll learn that there are multiple Types of Backup Sets. For example, [color:blue]Tape Backup Sets[/color] are used with tape drives. [color:blue]CD/DVD Backup Sets[/color] are used with optical disk writers.


There are two Types of Backup Sets that can be used to store your data on a hard drive; [color:orange]File Backup Sets[/color] and [color:orange]Removable Disk Backup Sets[/color].


- What Type of Backup Set was used?


I can only go to 'More' and then 'Rebuild' and then 'File backup set'.


Well, is it a File Backup Set?


If I choose Removable disk I am told no removable disks are present


Well, is it a Removable Disk Backup set?


A fixed platter hard disk drive can only be used as a member of a Removable Disk Backup Set if the user first modifies Retrospect's [color:green]Media Handling[/color] preference setting; did you originally configure the program to "[color:brown]Use hard drives as removable disks[/color]"?


If you are working with a Removable Disk Backup Set then you will not be able to rebuild the Catalog until Retrospect can work with the hard drive; and Retrospect won't treat your hard drive as a removable disk until you modify the preferences again in your new install.


- What is present on the external hard drive? Is it a single file named "Retrospect Data?" If so, then you are likely working with a Removable Disk Backup Set.


The decision to use either a File Backup Set or Removable Disk Backup Set to store data on a hard drive is one that should not be taken lightly. Each method has strengths and weaknesses. If you select to use a Type of Backup Set that maintains a Catalog file separate from the data storage, it's wise to maintain backup copies of that Catalog File; it's a valuable computer data document as much as your spreadsheets and family photos.



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I can't tell you for sure how it was set up exactly, that was years ago and the RAID is now gone.


There is on file on the backup disk called 'Retrospect Data'. So it is probably a Removable Disk Backup Set as you say. How can I turn this back into the original data?


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