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Backs up things it Should'nt

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Whenever I have encountered your situation I've always traced it to a flaw in my selector. I don't know of any instance where Retro backed up something I omitted. Crafting a selector can be a brain teaser, and while I can only speak for myself, writing even a moderatly complicated one usually takes a few tests before I get it right.




I don't think you can post screen-shots in this BBS, but maybe you can describe in more detail how you're selecting the files for backup and which ones are showing up when you don't want them to. Chances are we can find something in there to tweak and get your backups to run the way you want them to.

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I've had the same experience. I listed a bunch of excludes. File excludes for the whole backup of *.bk! and *.bak worked. When I added a folder exclude for "d:\randy's desktop stuff\toss soon" it didn't remove the folder or its files from the selection (I see it in Preview). I tried with the selection in quotes and not, and with adding \*.* and not.

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