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Cannot restore from external drive

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I have Retrospect Express HD 2.0.146. Windows XP SP2. All my data has been backed up onto an external Western Digital Hard drive on my network. My laptop harddrive crashed: I replaced it, re-installed OS and Retrospect, added the WD HD as a network drive and, now, I cannot restore any of my backed up data.


I went through the steps of article 9573 (removed the .rbc file, then ran the backup setup again). This time, unlike what the article said, the original backup parameters were not there, nor did anything happen when I clicked on the Finish button (no "back maintenance" activity, which I had previously prompted for). No restore points. I can clearly see the backup files on my external drive. When I try and restore from another computer, there is nothing to see either.


Any help would be most appreciated



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi David,


Did you ever manage to recover your data?


I have just purchased Retrospect Express HD v2 and having done a full backup of my laptop thought it wise to attempt a restore to a different PC before relaxing, safe in the knowledge that my data was protected from system crashes...


Trouble is I am hitting exactly the same problem that you describe, I also followed the instructions in the KB and am starting to question the wisdom of buying backup software, where after 2 hours I have not been able to retrieve a single file and that is without the stress of having had a system failure!!


Look forward to hearing how you got on,



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