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Selecting "Documents" Folder for Backup

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Hi Robert,


If you're just backing up your own documents folder, define it as a subvolume then backup the subvolume and not your whole drive. Use Configure > Volumes to see the available volumes. Select your hard drive and click "Subvolume." Pick the documents folder and click define. Retro can now treat that folder like it's its own little hard drive.




If you're backing up a network of computers and want to grab the documents folder, there is a selector for that you can invoke in your script. If you don't seem to have it, post back here and I'll show you how to create it. It's not a terribly complicated selector.

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In addition to the sub-volume method, you can also do one of the following:




1) Define a selector for an enclosing folder that "exactly matches" the name "Documents"








2) Define a selector using the "Path" option pointing to the specific Documents folder you wish to back up. This has the advantage over the first option in that it will discriminate between folders with the same name but in different places on the same drive.

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