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cannot set up or restore


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Maxtor one touch II, retrospect hd failure


My hard drive died. According to windows explorer, I had 127 restore points on the F drive in retrospect.


When I reloaded Maxtor and Retrospect, I could not restore any of the restore points. The restores would start and then give a message: errors restoring.... 0 files restored.


I tried to restore small groups of files and single files. Same error.


When I tried to setup a backup, Restrospect did not recognize the F drive. I would only create a restore point on Drive C.


I went online to get an update for Retrospect Express and downloaded version 1.1 from the EMC website.


All the same problems with setting restore points and with restoring from the F drive.


I removed the 1.1 version completely and reinstalled my old disk with Retrospect 1.0.196.


At this point, Retrospect says I have 0 restore points. It will not even open itself to set up a restore point.


I am at a loss. I would throw the Maxtor drive in the trash, but I have a couple of critical files on it. How can I get them to restore?

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