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Retrospect Express HD 1.1 - Restore stops working after calculating time


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I have only been successful in restoring a few files at a time. I can see all the restore points that have been made over the past year. I get the following log screen after it starts calculating the time and then goes into the restore...


Executing DirectRestore at 2/5/2008 2:48 PM

To volume Restore 7 on MAIN_DISK (C:)...

-2/5/2008 2:48:03 PM: Restoring from RestorePoint

2/5/2008 2:48:04 PM: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 1 files, 19 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute


I am using Retrospect 1.1 (just downloaded the update for 1.0) and am using Windows XP SP2. I've tried restoring files using several different computers, uninstalling/reinstalling software and I always get the same error...1 or 2 files work and then it just quits.


Anyone have any ideas on what could be going on?

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