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My hard drive seized up and my catalog was on it. Now I've reinstalled Retrospect to another drive and I'm trying to restore without success. Using Retrospect 5.0 I'm trying to recreate a disks backup set catalog from a Jaz II. When I try, I get the message "can't use 1RedA wrong version". Checking the knowledgebase the two references to "wrong version" had to do with having old firmware on the device (Jaz II) or an older version of Retrospect. I don't think it is either of these, could there be another reason or is there another way to restore?

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Which version of Retrospect were you using when you created the backup set? Which version are you using now? This error message usually indicates that you are using a version of Retrospect that is older then the version you used to make the original backup.




Old backup sets can be used with newer versions of the application, however new backup sets _cannot_ be used with older versions of the application.

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