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"0 Items" in restored folder

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When I restore selected files and folders, everything seems to work fine ("Execution completed successfully") and there is a backup folder created. But the folder appears empty (0 Items). When I Get Info for the folder, it HAS the stuff in it. I just can't see it. At least for MS Word files, I can Open then from within the application.




Am using a brand new 120 GB OWC firewire external HD and Retrospect 4 which I upgraded to 5.0 (then updated to 5.0.205), to back up my iBook running OS 9.1.









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When you're setting up your restore, try changing the pull-down menu from "Restore Files and Folders" to "Restore Just Files." Often this is the result of the folders either flagging those files as invisible, or having permissions that don't match up with what you have access to.

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You'll need to make sure you have permissions through the OS to access the folders in question. Retrospect restores the folders with the orginal permissions intact, and the OS decides if you have permission to view them.





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