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Back up to hard drive

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I have a G4 with 2 internal hard drives. I am using Retrospect Express V 4. The options to back up are to a CD R, or a removable media via SCSI. Can you back up to you do period back ups to just add new material to the second hard drive?





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I downloaded the 4.2 and 4.3 upgrades. I still cannot get it to recognize the 2nd internal hard drive. The options or removable disk, internet and scsi. When I "Get Info" on the app, it shows version 4.1e. Is this correct or should it indicate 4.3? There is nothing else to download. Any suggestions?





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Check your operations log - Command-L - to see what version of the program is launching. If it says anything but 4.3, you are still running an older version. 4.3 Express is a paid upgrade, so make sure you are using the correct upgrader. You can contact Customer Service at 888-777-5664 if you have any questions about the upgrade process or you can purchase your upgrade at:








When you are running the correct version, and you create a backup set, you will have the option to create a File backup set.

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