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I'm a new Retrospect user. Operating a small business with one G4 Server and 5 client Macs. three I-Macs and two G3 Towers. Everything runs OS 9.1 Our Server has 2 internal HDs. The primary HD is a 20 Gig used for server apps and shared files. The secondary drive is a 43 Gig drive used for daily backups of the 5 clients and the Server Primary HD. We want to use two 120 Gig Fire wire transportable HD for keeping backup data sets OFF PREMISES.




Now, for the problem. Everything works cool! I've scripted auto daily backups for the client computers and the server primary HD which are saved on the server secondary HD. Great so far....




The problem occurrs when I want to back up (or copy or duplicate) the backup data folder from the server to the fire wire discs. There are TWO client I-Macs which store a lot of data each. Their retrospect files (with catalogs) are in excess of 4 gig. EACH.




When I try to BACKUP or DUPLICATE or even copy the backup data folder onto the fire wire drives, retrospect moves the smaller backup data files to the FW disc OK but it fails to move the two large backup data files and returns error-1309 "File too large for allocation block size. (Anything over 2 gig.) How can I make duplicates of these LARGE data files on my FW Discs. Also, why does Retrospect make files it can't move?




I hope someone has an answer.







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Check the file format of the Firewire drives through Get Info. Are they formatted as Mac OS Standard or Mac OS Extended?




If they are formatted as Mac OS Standard, you will need to reformat the drives as Mac OS Extended. Standard volumes cannot accomodate files larger then 2 gig. This is an Apple file system limitation.




For more information on backing up and duplicating to hard drives, please see:





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Thanks for the advice. You nailed the problem. We purchased these discs new and never even looked to see how they were formatted. I guess it's like the old adage...."The hurrier we go...the behinder we get."


Thanks again for the help.





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