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catalog is locked

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We have happily been using retrospect 4.2 on a Mac G3 for quite a while, backing up to a remote NT server.


Suddenly the scripts won't run and I get the error: 'Can't add to backup set ... the catalog is locked'.


Can anyone explain what this means and how to fix it please ? (Cant find any reference to it in the Knowledgebase or manual)


(I guess I'm also a little confused cuz I use only 'recycle' backups, so how come it wants to 'add' to a backup set?)

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thanks for the tip! ... but no cigar




it will not permit me to create new backups sets ('save' button is greyed)


even if i remove the script and backup set it will not permit me to replace it




it will also not permit me to repair the catalog ('error 45 - file is locked')




i might add that i have different scripts running every 4 hours, but since this occurrence yesterday, none will run for the same 'catalog locked' reason -- i am stuck



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What if you do a Get Info on the catalog from within the Finder? Is the "Locked" attribute checked? Make sure this attribute is unchecked. Also make sure you are attempting to save the new catalog (for a new file backup set) to a location where you have write privileges.




If you are still unable to create or modify existing catalogs, you should clean install Retrospect. Remove it from your system, reboot and install a new copy of the program. Make sure you remove the Retrospect Preferences folder, in addition to the application folder.





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