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System 1 errors anyone??

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Hi all!




I've been reading all the posts regarding system 1 errors running under OS 9.x. Although we've all got different backup devices and different machines, we get the same error. We've all done the standard stuff with Extensions, memory allocation, and getting the recent updates with no luck. Vikefan states in his post, however, that Retro works fine under OS X.


This leads me to two possible conclusions. The first possibility: Dantz is not looking to support OS 9.x in the future. The second: They're working on a fix but aren't keeping us informed. My gut tells me it's the prior, which is unfortunate for us.


In all fairness, however, Irena did reply to one thread, but her solutions were just to update the software and 'work' the extensions. No good, sorry.


Has anyone out there solved the Type 1 Error mystery ?? If not, I figure we all consolodate to one thread with a bunch of posts. This way, Dantz will have to address our issue (fingers crossed).




Good luck!


27 West

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