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Does customer service exist?

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I sent a complaint to Dantz on 3/29/02. It has never been answered, although it was acknowledged that it was received.




I re-sent my e-mail again on 4/26/02. No response still.




I have been on hold today for more than an hour via phone today, which does not get answered. This is a customer service atrocity. I want my $ back. Does the company still have anyone working in customer service?




Here's my original pleasant e-mail:


"I have used Retrospect for years with a tape drive backup (SCSI).




After I bought my ibook I tried in vain to use the tape drive with a SCSI adapter.




Retrospect did not work with this. I bought an upgrade a few months ago (v.4.3) thinking this might work. It did not.




I then bought the fastest CD-RW drive that APS sold. Retrospect does not work with this....yet?




Now you have a new version (5.0).




I now own a recently purchased non-current version that doesn’t work with anything I’ve got. I paid the upgrade price plus shipping of $14.68 for the CD.




Please help. I like the product and would love to use it with my current system."

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I sympathize. Have been having a similar experience--spending hours on hold after purchasing upgrade and then was told I'd have to pay $39 to get my question answered. I thought I had received an email that said I get 30 days free support w/ the upgrade. Then spent more time trying to get the assigned password to work to get on the boards. Their service, to put it politely, is horrible.

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Our call volume has been high since the release of 5.0, but we are trying our best to get your questions answered. I'm sorry for your frustration.




Express does not support SCSI tape drives, so you will not be able to use tape backup with any version of Express. We also do not support the use of SCSI adapters for backup.




Regarding your CD drive, you haven't given details, so I can't tell you if the drive is qualified. The internal mechanism is the key to determining whether or not a drive is supported by Retrospect. This information can be found in the Device Status window (Configure -> Devices).




For a list of supported and pending drives please see








Irena Solomon


Dantz Tech Support

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New product purchases qualify for 30 days free tech support. This does not apply to upgrade purchases. That's one reason we provide and monitor this forum, and have a large list of online resources that we're constantly adding to.




Irena Solomon


Dantz Tech Support

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