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Express 5 s-l-o-w USB backup

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I have been trying Retrospect 5 on a 266 MHz iMac going into a VST USB hard drive, making a duplicate.




I say, trying, because, for some reason (I wanna know, that's why I am bring this up, here) data transfer to the USB HD is V-E-R-Y slow, about 4.5 MB/s.




When I use Express 4.3, transfer runs 25-30 MB/s.




The Duplicate already existed (created with v4.3), so I was just updating for recent changes, so only about 125 MB was involved.




I am running OS 9.0.4 on the iMac. Does anyone know if Express 5 is impaired with this combination of OS and equipment? Why this big difference in functionality?







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