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Retro Does Not See Members!

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I was about to back up my System Folder with one of my Backup Scripts in “Normal” mode,but the application asked for a “new” disk which will be named “1-blahblahSetA”....WHY IS THIS?


It should ask for my #3 Zip disk....?


---Last week I did a “Recycle” on the SF script,but changed the setting to “Normal” for the next backup session. I just checked on the Catalog: it says “There are no members to display” [under the tab “Members”] !!!!!!! ---In fact,I have three members...




I'm using Mac OS 9.1 and Retrospect Express 4.3.




Thanks for your help!

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The first thing a Recycle backup does is clear the contents of your catalog so that it appears to Retrospect that it's never been used before. When Retrospect goes to copy, it asks for the first disk and erases it, overwriting it with data from your computer currently.




Once you told Retrospect to Recycle, you basically eliminated the 3 disks you had and started over from scratch. Doing this periodically can keep the size of your backup set more manageable.




Irena Solomon


Danzt Tech Support

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