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Device Not Recognized

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I am running Windows 2000 on a P IV 1.7GHz. I have installed Retrospect Express 5.6.127 with the newest upgrade 3.0.101 and my CD-R drive is still not recognized. Under Configure-->Devices-->Enviornment it's ID is 1:0, Vendor is CyberDrv, Product is CW068D CD-R/RW, Version is 120D, and the Driver is Blank. Under Configure-->Devices-->Status it says there is no drive. I ran the ASPI check and that is fine, I ran regedit and changed the ASPI32 parameters to empty, I uninstalled the nero software that came with the drive and I also did the Ctrl-Alt-P-P, Execution, use NT SCSI Passthru thing. All to no avail. What do I do now?



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