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519 Errors on Multiple MacBook Pro's

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I'm a long time Retrospect user (I used to support DiskFit WAY back at SuperMac - anyone remember that product? and I used to date the woman who wrote the first Retrospect User Guide, but I digress...).


I'm having trouble with the two MacBooks (OS X 10.4.10) on our home network. These two machines give consistent "Trouble reading files, error 519 (network communication failed)." errors during backups. It's a crap-shoot as to how much data will be copied before it looses connection with the Client. Could be 8GB out of 65GB to copy, could be 25GB out of 65GB. No obvous pattern there.


The network is flat - one Cisco 10/100 switch, one subnet. I get the error with multiple machines running as the server. Other machines on the network (PPC OS X and PPC OS 9) all backup fine, though the size of the data to be copied on the non-MacBook Pro machines is significantly smaller.


Backup drives are two different 250GB LaCie d2 external FireWire 400 drives. Error happens on both drives.


Am I seeing an Intel issue or does this have to do with the amount of data to be moved? I see the same problem with an EN cross-over cable, so I'm not inclined to think this is a network or cabling issue.


Server(s) are running Retrospect 6.1.138 on a 1.5GHz 10.3.9 G4 12" PowerBook with 768MB RAM and a 500MHz G4 machine running OS X Server 10.4.10 with 1.38MB RAM. Clients are running 6.1.130. I've removed and reinstalled the Client on both machines. I did a clean install of Retrospect 6.1.138 on the 10.4.10 OS X Server yesterday and see the same error.


It doesn't seem to matter what time of day the backup runs. The only 3rd pary software consistent across all machines is Timbuktu, which also resides on the PPC machines, which are backing up fine.


Is anyone else seeing this? Suggestions greatlly appreciated! Sure would/will be nice to have universal binary!


Kirk out

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As you've done good work testing with clean network, the next thing to investigate is exactly what's happening on the client machine when the communication goes down.


- Can you see/touch these client machines when communication is lost? Are they awake?

- Can you ping these client machines when communication is lost?

- Is the pitond process up and running on client machines when communication is lost?

- What is shown in the Status field of the Retrospect Client application on these client machines when communication is lost?

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As you've done good work testing with clean network, the next thing to investigate is exactly what's happening on the client machine when the communication goes down.


- Can you see/touch these client machines when communication is lost? Are they awake?

Yes. Both of these machines are configured to Never sleep when plugged in. There are no screen savers - the screens just dim.

- Can you ping these client machines when communication is lost?

Yes. All network communication continues to function.

- Is the pitond process up and running on client machines when communication is lost?

I believe so. Subsequent backups, only minutes later (at least the scanning part) proceed normally.

- What is shown in the Status field of the Retrospect Client application on these client machines when communication is lost?

I'll take a look. I'd wager a guess that it says "Normal" since another backup starts just fine.


The problem seems to be during copies of large amounts of data (20+GB's?), such as after a Recycle backup. Once Retrospect gets the mass of the data copied, incremental backups of 3-6GB's (a large Entourage database and a Parallels WinXP HD image) usually copy fine.


This issue only happens on the two Intel (MacBook Pro) machines. It's been an issue since 10.4.8, which they both shipped with.




Kirk out

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Update: I updated the Retrospect server to 10.4.10 (was 10.3.9), and reinstalled Retrospect 6.1.138.


A manual backup of my MacBook Pro (just sitting, not used at all) last night saw a 519 error after copying 42GB. During a scheduled execution running imediatly afterwards, the MacBook Pro sitting right next to mine backed up 54GB sucessfully and my machine sucessfully backed up over 56GB.


I handn't changed a thing between the 519 error and the scheduled sucessful backup. I was sleeping.


Am I missing something or is Retrospect somewhat intermittent here?


Kirk out

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