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Can Retrospect archive all the media associated with a FCP project?

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It would be great if Retrospect could archive all of the media associated with a Final Cut Pro project onto a series of DVDs. If not, I will have to try to round up all of the media and put it in one folder and then back this up. Does anyone know if it is possible to use Retrospect with Final Cut?




I am using Retrospect 6.1 on a Mac Pro. I am running Tiger and using Final Cut Studio 2.

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Just what do you mean by "all the media"? They are just files, aren't they? I don't use FCP, but, if it has a project structure like iDVD or iMovie, then it would seem to be a straightforward matter to define a Retrospect subvolume for the project folder, and then let Retrospect rip away. You probably want to preserve that project structure (sets of related folders, etc.) in case you need to restore.



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FCP can be more complicated than that if you've used multiple drives, or captured video from multiple workstations or any variety of possibilities there. If you've done some of this, I would suggest making a full copy of the project using the media manager in FCP, doing your archives/backups of the project off of this folder that you just created (I usually do multiple copies, 1 hard drive, 1 dvd, personally), then use the media manager again to delete the media.


If you've only used FCP on one computer and the same hard drive for capturing, you can then just look in your Final Cut Pro Documents folder in your Documents folder and back up the automatic saves (just in case you want something from an earlier edit), the captures, then find your fcp file you were editing, and I think that's about it. You really don't need the renders or previews, as they will just be created next time you open these files.



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