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Mac <> PC 519 and 541 failures

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I have Retrospect server v6.1.126 running on G5 XServe with RDU I have 2 PC clients running 7.0.112.


The PC clients will back up successfully a number of times. But at the start of a subsequent script, the backup fails. The following message appears in the log on the server:


"Can't reserve backup client PC_NAME, eror 519 (network communication failed)."


When I try and configure one of the PC clients form the server I get the follwoing error:


"Sorry, can't connect to backup client PC_NAME error 541 (client not installed or not running)."


After the PCs are restarted backups resume immediately and continue with no problems for a while.


The PCs and the server are on the same VLAN. Other Mac clients on the LAN backup continuously to the server with no problems. The PCs are set to never sleep.


Thanks for any advice.



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How were the PC clients entered into Retrospect on the server? By name? By IP?

Are the PC clients on the same subnet as the server?

Does the IP address change on the PC clients (i.e., Dynamic scope DHCP pool, or Static DHCP by MAC address or manual IP config ?)

At the instant that Retrospect tries to connect to these clients, are they asleep (yes, I understand that you have them set to never sleep, but I ask anyway)?

When you see this error, and before you try to configure the PC clients from the server, what does the freeware "WakeOnLan" utility show for the machines that are awake?



When you see the error and before you try to configure the PC clients from the server:

Can you ping the PC clients? Can you telnet to port 497 of the PC clients? (you won't be able to get much of a response, but you should be able to establish a connection):


rhwimac:~ rhwalker$ telnet lwmimac 497


Connected to lwmimac.mydomain.com.

Escape character is '^]'.


Connection closed by foreign host.

rhwimac:~ rhwalker$


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How were the PC clients entered into Retrospect on the server? By name? By IP?



By name.



Are the PC clients on the same subnet as the server?






Does the IP address change on the PC clients (i.e., Dynamic scope DHCP pool, or Static DHCP by MAC address or manual IP config ?)



No. Both PCs have fixed IP addresses.



At the instant that Retrospect tries to connect to these clients, are they asleep (yes, I understand that you have them set to never sleep, but I ask anyway)?



No, I have made sure they are definitely awake.



When you see this error, and before you try to configure the PC clients from the server, what does the freeware "WakeOnLan" utility show for the machines that are awake?



It shows the PCs as 'awake'.



When you see the error and before you try to configure the PC clients from the server:

Can you ping the PC clients?






Can you telnet to port 497 of the PC clients?



No. I get:


lithium:~ admin$ telnet 497


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

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Can you telnet to port 497 of the PC clients?


No. I get:


lithium:~ admin$ telnet 497


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host


Ah, that's very instructive. Ok, something is blocking port 497 to the PC client. You might try following up with packet traces to see where the blocking is occurring. Perhaps something is turning on a firewall block at the PC. Perhaps the PC client has stopped listening on that port.


Does netstat on the PC show that anything has port 497 open on the PC when this happens?


I'm not familiar enough with the PC client to know what its status messages should indicate or what processes should be running, but it looks like nothing is listening on port 497 (need UDP and TCP) at the PC client.


A thought: are you running any sort of anti-virus or anti-spyware, etc., software on the PC? Perhaps it thinks that the Retrospect client is spyware trying to listen for commands from a spybot system.



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  • 2 months later...

i raised this issue to retrospect last year when i had support.


however, they were clueless, so i stopped buying support from them.


the interesting thing is that i was able to connect to port 497 from the host itself ("telnet localhost 497" from cmd on the client)


i tried stopping/starting retrospect using the client, but it wouldn't quit, even though the client gui said it was "turned off"--but the RemoteSvc task was still running and i could still do the "telnet localhost 497" (now, maybe that's the way its supposed to be, but i'm used to pitond's behavior).


i went to the administrative tools>services window and started/stopped the service there, i could once again telnet from a remote host to port 497 on the client.


and, the server was able to start backing up (even though the radio button in the client GUI is set to "off"


an interesting thing was to do a "netstat -a" on the client and see a large number of connections (>100) from the client (at a series of user ports) to itself on port 497. that doesn't seem like any sort of normal behavior to me :-)


anyway i thought about writing a script to turn on/off the service daily, but i decided to give up and just had the users reboot every couple of days (seems like par for windoze anyway)



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