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How to always mount an external firewire drive?

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Hi all...


99.95% of the time, I'm logged into my account when I have scheduled Retrospect to do a backup to my external firewire hard disk.


The other 0.05%, I'm logged out of my account. The backup script will run, but then complain (rightly) that it can't find the backup drive.


Is there an obvious way to keep a firewire drive from dismounting when you log out of your account and/or have a powered-on FW drive mount at startup (if the computer starts up to the login screen rather than automatically logging in?)


Suggestions would be appreciated!


- Steve

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add the volume to /etc/fstab and it will get mounted by /etc/rc as the system boots into multi-user mode.



But Russ, he specifically asked how to "keep a firewire drive from dismounting when you log out of your account..."


This doesn't sound like a solution to that part of his problem.


Steve, did you try the autodiskmount.plist modification (updated for 10.4):




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Yeah, this worked:


defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true



It's a "depreciated, but left for backwards compatibility" command, but it does what I expect it to.


It also works if I restart the computer.


Thanks for the tip!

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