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Does not recognize device

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Use to work, but now it doesn't.

Running MAC OSX 10.4.1

VXA firewire tape drive

Restropect 6.1.126


Cannot see device. Tried everything imaginable. Different cables, different MACS and nothing. Well, except the mac sees it as "unknown device"


Is there anything I should be doing or should have done?



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Is there anything I should be doing or should have done?


(1) Do you have any Retrospect Driver Update ("RDU") installed? You should see the RDU version in your Retrospect log each time Retrospect is launched.


They are all listed here for download:

RDU version history


(2) does the drive show up in the Apple System Profiler? If it doesn't show up there, there's no hope for Retrospect to find it.


(3) have you tried a different FireWire port?


(4) you don't say which manufacturer's VXA drive it is. Exabyte has VXA diagnostic tools that you might try to see if the drive is there and responding:

Exabyte utilities and firmware downloads


(5) If it's an Exabyte drive, you might try updating the firmware. There have been recent firmware updates. Or, if it's from another manufacturer, you might investigate to see whether that manufacturer has a firmware update for the drive.


Just a few things to try.



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It is exabyte and I've tried to upgrade firmware but device not found.

And running VXA diagnostic tools it cannot find device.


Also in Apple System Profile it only shows as "Uknown Device"


I have RDU


Looks like I need to call Exabyte.

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