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Backup made but no snapshot?

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Hello everyone,


I couldn't find any explanation nowhere on this and I'm getting a bit desperate here, I hope someone can help me out. One of our workstations went dead (HD failed) and I would like to restore the backup I made.


As a good IT guy I'm making a backup everyday and you can actually see in the log file that the last backup was made Monday (machine went dead on Tuesday). But if I try to restore the backup there is NO snapshot from this machine!?


Can anyone help me so I can still restore or recuperate the data for this user?


The Retrospect server is running on an XServe G5 with OS 10.4.9 installed. I'm not sure if this data is sufficient, if not please tell me what you need more.


Great thanks in advance!



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As a good IT guy I'm making a backup everyday and you can actually see in the log file that the last backup was made Monday (machine went dead on Tuesday). But if I try to restore the backup there is NO snapshot from this machine!?


Are you making a backup or a "duplicate"? Duplicates are not backups. There is no snapshot for a duplicate.

Please post the log entry that you say you "can actually see in the log file" showing the log details of the successful backup.


Other details that might help: type of backup set, version of Retrospect, and whether you have ever previously tested by doing a restore.


Also, you don't say, but was this "machine" that failed running Retrospect client? What version? Can you provide any specifics about the selector used, source, etc.?


If, in fact, you really did a "backup", you simply may have a corrupted catalog, and a catalog rebuild might fix. Details needed, and you haven't provided any.



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I'm making a recycle backup every night, here is the log file entry:


? Retrospect version 6.1.126

automatically launched at 10/1/2007 8:00 PM


+ Recycle backup using PDC BACKUP Cathy at 10/1/2007 8:00 PM

To backup set Backup Set COM…

10/1/2007 8:00:17 PM: Recycle backup: The backup set was reset


- 10/1/2007 8:00:17 PM: Copying Documents on Cathy…

10/1/2007 8:00:17 PM: Connected to Cathy

10/1/2007 8:38:26 PM: Comparing Documents on Cathy…

10/1/2007 8:55:33 PM: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 1930 files, 19.3 GB

Performance: 715.3 MB/minute (518.4 copy, 1153.4 compare)

Duration: 00:55:16 (00:00:04 idle/loading/preparing)


--- END LOG ---


I'm using Retrospect Backup 6.1.126 on an OS X XServe 10.4.9. Client version I'm not so sure because the machine is in for repair, but I think it was Client version 6.107... The client computer is an iMac 17".


The Backup Set is a File Backup Set, and I'm using a script to run the backup.

One of the options is "Catalog options..." where the "Save source Snapshots for restore" is marked...

Selecting is set to "All Files"

Verification is ON

Matching options: marked: Match source files to catalog, Don't add duplicates to backup set and Use attribute modification date when matching


These are the most important options I suppose.


I hope this helps you helping me out...


Anyhow already many thanks in advance!



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I'm using another script to back up the other machines to the same Backup Set. Those snapshots are visible though...


Indeed the Save source snapshots is selected.


Actually the biggest issue is to get back the documents folder for this user since it contains the Microsoft User Data folder...


Thanks for the posts!



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If indeed this backup was the first backup after a recycle and you backed up all files, you shoud be able to quite easily restore the volume by using the "Search for files and folders" option in the restore operation, as there will only be one version of each file in the backup set. You should be able just to select everything.

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I'm using another script to back up the other machines to the same Backup Set. Those snapshots are visible though...


Ah, maybe this new information is the key. Have you tried to "add" additional snapshots? when you are browsing the snapshots for restore, click the "Add Snapshot" button, and earlier snapshots can be added. Retrospect has to go back through the backup set and figure out what was on the drive at the time the backup was made, but it can add the snapshot, which can then be used for restore.


Try, and report results.


By chance these "other" scripts didn't do a recycle after the first machine's backup was done, did they? If so, you are hosed.



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A couple of thoughts:


- You have not described the steps you are taking where you don't see what you expect to see. Please tell us, step by step, what you are doing.


- In

Reports->Contents->Backup Set COM

do you see the session for Cathy in the list? Can you Browse its contents?


- You can perform a "Search for files and folders" based on Client Name. Click on "More Choices" in the search criteria dialog box.


> As a good IT guy I'm making a backup everyday...


But, if you are only maintaining a single Backup Set, then each and every day you expose yourself to disaster.


In the example above, at 8:00 PM, you erased the entire contents of your only Backup Set. At this moment, none of your machines are protected. If a hard drive were to crash at 8:01, that machine would have no backup. If the Retrospect script were, for some reason, to quit early, you would start the day without backup copies of your files.


It is much wiser to maintain multiple Backup Sets, stored, if possible, on independent physical media, and, if possible, in different physical locations.


Also, standard operating procedure should be to run test Restore operations often, touching the backups of all of your clients and all of your Backup Sets.




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But how do I search for all files on this particular client?


When you get to the window where you are asked to specify the file selection criteria, you will have the opportunity to type in the backup client name in "Include files matching." If that is the only criterion you enter, Retrospect will pull up all files for that client.

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OK guys, I can see what happened. Since the Cathy Backup is set at 8 PM and the others at a later hour, I'm probably lost since this other backup does also a recycle backup?


Actually if that's the case I'm making a bad backup for more then 6 months now frown.gif


Please tell me I'm wrong!



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OK guys, I can see what happened. Since the Cathy Backup is set at 8 PM and the others at a later hour, I'm probably lost since this other backup does also a recycle backup?


Yep, you are hosed. Your successive recycle backups erased / reset all prior backups to that backup set.



Actually if that's the case I'm making a bad backup for more then 6 months now


I can't believe you never tested your backups to make sure you could restore everything.



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