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LTO3 update catalog 24 hours and 2TB?!

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During my nightly backup something went wrong and I was told my catalog was out of sync. Not a problem I thought, as this has happened before. I went to repair and selected 'update catalog'. The tape was number 98 of my set of LTO3 (400/800gb) tapes that we use to archive closed edit jobs.


The 'recatalog' window has now been 'building catalog' for 24 hours and completed 2288 files and 2.0TB. How is this possible if my backup tape only has a capacity of 400gb uncompressed 800gb compressed? Most of our back up consists of video files so we usually only fit 500gb per tape. The catalog file itself is only 900mb.


I'm a bit concerned there is a problem with the tape or drive. How long does it usually take to update the catalog? How long should I wait before I pull the plug and try something else. If I do hit stop do I then have to recatalog all 98 LTO3 tapes?


Panicking a bit since I use this catalog daily to retrieve old work and files.


Any advice would be welcome.

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No wonder they went bust.


They are still around, they were acquired by Tandberg Data almost a year ago, and Tandberg is known for their reputation. Give Tandberg a call, their support is pretty good. We have been pretty happy with our Exabyte autoloader and drive, maybe you just got a couple of lemons.

Exabyte / Tandberg Data Support



2 units in 2 years, so much for reliability.


Isn't the warranty for three years? You should be able to arrange an RMA.



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