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Catalog Size Limit?


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Running Retrospect Professional under Windows XP, is there a limit to the size that the catalog can grow to?

It seems my catalog grows to around 623,663kb, and then retrospect starts reporting catalog problems (Sharing, can't write/read, corrupted, etc.). This is suspiciously close to the max size of the data backup files


I rebuilt the catalog (took 4 hours), and the new catalog is only 415,471kb. Is a rebuilt catalog usually significantly smaller than the original?


I believe I've seen this same problem before when the catalog files get to around 600+mb.




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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, it happened again.

This time, though, the catalog was only 421,525Kb.

Now, trying to repair the catalog file gives the error: "File: Sol NAS Backup Set A.rbc is not a Catalog File or is heavily damaged."

The backup, and catalog are on an external Network drive (NAS)

Backups of other machines both immediately before and immediately after this backup to the same NAS drive were successful

The NAS drive is ONLY used for these backups


Backup Error was


+ Normal backup using Sol at 9/20/2007 11:30 PM

To Backup Set Sol NAS Backup Set A...


- 9/20/2007 11:30:00 PM: Copying Sol HD on Sol

Can't save Snapshot in Sol NAS Backup Set A, error -1116 (can't access network volume)

Can't save Catalog File, error -1100 (invalid handle)

9/20/2007 11:44:52 PM: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 704 files, 13.0 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:14:52 (00:14:26 idle/loading/preparing)


Can't save Backup Set Sol NAS Backup Set A, error -1100 (invalid handle)

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And I just tried to regenerate the catalog which failed after 3 HOURS with:



+ Executing Recatalog at 9/21/2007 08:04

To Backup Set Sol NAS Backup Set A...

Can't save Catalog File, error -1116 (can't access network volume)

Can't save Backup Set Sol NAS Backup Set A, error -1116 (can't access network volume)

9/21/2007 11:06:53: Execution incomplete

Completed: 749034 files, 53.7 GB

Performance: 305.9 MB/minute

Duration: 03:02:00 (00:02:26 idle/loading/preparing)


This is becoming quite frustrating. I picked this product because it seemed to be a stable, reliable backup resource. I am beginning to question my decision.



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