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trouble writing folder error -120

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Im trying to search for a file to restore. When doing so, retrospect tells me it has found matches in the volume. Then when it tries to retrieve the file(s) I see the error ' trouble writing folder error -120 ' in the log.


I simply want to be able to retrieve files fromt he backup set, without having to recreate a disk.


Any idea's why I'm seeing this error?




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I simply want to be able to retrieve files fromt he backup set, without having to recreate a disk.



This is something that is easy for Retrospect to do.


But the reason that it's not working for you is impossible for others on the Forum to know, as you have not provided much information.


Please take the time to provide a complete description of the hardware you are using and the software versions and configuration at play. Things such as the Type of Backup Set, what/where your Destination for Restore is, etc, are going to be necessary to know why you're getting the error.



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