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Assertion failure at "memutil.cpp-201"


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A log of this error has been written to the file "assert_log.utx".


The the report to EMC error report, which I dutifully send.


I am receiving this error message when I boot up my computer (Retrospect is in my system tray) and I just upgraded to version 2.0.214 from Smith Micro's website. I also get the same error message when I exit Retrospect and restart.


I upgraded because my computer started having this problem with Retrospect Express HD for Windows version 1.1.127. It seems I only upgraded the error message from memutil.cpp-198. The computer was working fine until last week.


This was reported in another thread, but not discussed.


I have also been to the Solution Finder in the Knowledgebase where a fix was offered:


"If this error happens when trying to open Retrospect, then you may have corrupt Retrospect preferences. Move the Retrospect preferences folder to your desktop and attempt to open Retrospect again. On Windows this folder is found in documents and settings/all users/application data/Retrospect. On the Macintosh it is found in root/library/preferences/Retrospect


Check for updates which may be available for your copy of Retrospect: "


In my documents and settings/all users/application data folder there is no Retrospect folder, there is a RetroExp folder with several files, not sure what one is preferences.


Any help would be appreciated.

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