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Retrospect 6.5 doesnt run after server restarts

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Hi there, I have Retrospect V6.5 on Server 2003, and if the server restarts (due to power outage or automatic updates) then jobs that were scheduled to run dont run. Any ideas on why this might be? As soon as I log in the service seems to start working, and scheduled jobs start OK.

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I have the same problem - with three different companies' installations! This seems to have come on slowly over the past few months; the program will not run automatically! All of these installations are using a config that has been time-tested and worked fine for many months. I have a hard time believing that something isn't up here...

My specs:

Three different installations; Windows Small Business Server 2003 at one, Windows XP at another, and Windows Server 2003 at the last. Version 7.5 (with all updates) at first two sites; version 7.0 at last site.


After reboot, jobs will not run. Upon login, Retrospect Launcher service is already running; nothing reported in Windows Event Viewer logs. Jobs will still not run. When I manually launch the program, Retrospect says nothing about closing an already running version (proving program truly is not running). Once the program has started, all previously scheduled jobs begin, and no problems are reported.


Does anybody have any idea about this, or at least seen this often enough to say I'm not crazy?



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Glad to see I'm not the only one. Reinstalling Retrospect doesnt seem to make much difference either, as I've done it twice now. I'm considering changing to another backup solution, as the backups have already failed at a critical moment once, I'm not keen for it to happen again.

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