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Volume copy?


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I'm using Retrospect Pro for Windows ver 7.03.01. Over the past couple weeks, occasionally my hard drive light would come on, and a beep (or two or three) would come from the box, not the sound system. Everything would freeze for a moment while this happened, and go back to normal afterwards. Today, however, I had the system reboot on me and tell me the hard drive had not been available for any of a number of reasons. Yet, the diagnostics all are ok.


So, I'd like to be proactive and get a new drive. What I'm wondering, is if I buy a drive, different vendor, different (but at least as large) size, etc., buy an external enclosure with a USB connector, can I then simply do a duplicate of C:\ in retrospect and have a bootable volume? Or does retrospect only duplicate the user files? If that won't give me a volume duplicate, is there a way to do it with retrospect?

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Yet another thing to consider: some vendors have "hidden" partitions on their drives that they use to diagnose, etc., issues with the machine if you call them. Make sure you replicate those hidden partitions, too, if you care about them. "C:\" may not be enough to get everything off the old drive.

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