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Only modified/deleted/added files please


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I have what I thought was a fairly common set of requirements for backup and after using Retrospect I cannot "easily" find a way to do it.



I would like my master (which happens to be an external drive) backed up to my RAID on my windows XP station (w/ retrospect installed).



I want the RAID to reflect ANY AND ALL CHANGES made to the external drive. That includes Deletion, filename changes (although no other changes) and Additional files. I want Retrospect to delete from my RAID if it has been deleted from my external (master) drive.


I have tried Backup Set and it seems to not delete anything, although it handles changed files and new files well.



One other thing, I do not want to copy ACCESSED files if nothing has changed I only want to copy MODIFIED files.




Thanks for your help,



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Access and Modified have been seperate fields in my operating system so I did not equate one with the other, and seeing as how you are knowledgeable about what retrospect considers "modified", and you also understand my question better than I do, would you like to share with me what your recommendation is for my desired backup routine?





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No, I didn't say that. I just remarked on your stated backup policy, which was inconsistent. You can set preferences as needed for how files are selected for backup. But if you only back up FILES that are modified, that is not the same as backing up ANY AND ALL CHANGES made to the external drive, because metadata will change (access time) that is not being backed up if you have such a backup policy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I did say "ANY AND ALL CHANGES" and followed that by my definition of what I considered any and all changes




I want the RAID to reflect ANY AND ALL CHANGES made to the external drive.
That includes Deletion, filename changes (although no other changes) and Additional files.




now I appreciate you correcting my terminology and telling me what I want CAN be done, however pointing me to the application with some indication of where and how to do that will be even more helpful.

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