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Immediate Duplicate: Execution Incomplete

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I recently added some new drives: WD Netcenter (connected directly to the network and now used as my main work drive) and two new WD MyBook USB drives that will be added to the rotation as backup drives). The USB drives get connected to my desktop (the one that runs Retrospect) when I'm doing a backup then are disconnected and stored elsewhere.


I did my first backup with these drives yesterday. The Netcenter drive is divided into two partitions and I backed them up separately. Actually, I did a DUPLICATE and not a backup.


The 1st partition has about 65GB of data and took about 8.5 hours to duplicate - but, did so to completion. File/folder/GB comparison counts on both the source and destination match. The Activity Monitor shows "Immediate Duplicate: 1 Execution error." The log refers to a single JPG file and "error -2352" can't read. But, the file counts match on both volumes. And, I was able to open the referenced file on the destination drive and it looks fine.


The 2nd partition has only about 13GB and took about 1.5 hours. But, the Activity Monitor shows "Immediate Duplicate: Execution Incomplete." The progress bar indicates only about half-way complete. However the stats below the bar shows Remaining 0 Files / completed 12061 files (which matches the source volume). Again, the files/folders/storage counts match on both the source and destination volumes.


Should I be concerned that there's something wrong in these duplicates? What might be causing these errors.


HELP/ABOUT shows Retrospect version 7.0.301 / update version (whatever that means)


OS is XP Pro

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