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Express HD 2.0 and Vista


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I haven't been able to find an answer to Billett's question about Retrospect Express and Vista. I have Vista installed on the computer connected to a Western Digital MyBook backup drive that came bundled with Express HD 2.0. Does anyone know if the current version will work, or do I have to find some different software? Or is there an update with EMC that I haven't been able to find?

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I upgraded from Ver 1 to Ver 2 of Retrospect Express HD on a Windows Vista Ultimate computer. I upgraded on-line.


When I click on Retrospect Express HD in the Start menu, an icon is supposed to be appear in the system tray. In my situation nothing seems to happen.


The upgrade from SmithMicro Software was performed on 7-22-07, so I am assuming this upgrade version is compatible with Windows Vista?

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