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LaCie d2 DVD with Lightscribe: Worked on G4, but not MacBook Pro

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Since upgrading to a MacBook Pro from a G4 Powerbook, Retrospect 6.1.126 (RDU goes into "Application Not Responding" mode when I insert a DVD into the LaCie to perform backup, verify, etc. Force Quit triggers message to restart the computer. Never had a problem using the LaCie with the old G4. Firewire connection with both machines. No problem getting Retrospect to work using the internal drive built into the MacBook Pro.

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Any other ideas?


Only two:

(1) see if LaCie or Lightscribe has a firmware update for the drive

(2) get a supported drive.


LaCie only makes the enclosure. I don't know whether LaCie has some sort of bridge chip in the enclosure that translates Firewire to some other bus interface. Perhaps the problem is the LaCie enclosure / bridge.


Here's the LaCie link to updates:

LaCie Lightscribe updates



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



If 2 gigs or more, you might want to look for the 2 gigs issue thread.


Perhaps, but as I understand the issue in the "2 gigs issue thread", it appears to be an issue that is limited to the iMac G5. The MacBook Pro is Intel based.





Nope.. I have the same issue on my Intel Imac with 3 gigs of ram.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Russ:

I'm new to this forum, but have the same drive described by the original poster of this thread: the LaCie d2 DVD with Lightscribe, Firewire version. Until recently, I have been using Retrospect (6.1.126) successfully. I just purchased this LaCie because when I got my new Intel iMac, I found that Retrospect failed after about 7 DVDs worth of backup using the iMac's internal Mastushita drive, which I found out is not supported. EMC tech support by phone told me the drive in combination with Retrospect could not handle more than a million files or something... and that my option was to buy a supported external drive.


So, after some time and what I thought was careful research against the Supported Drives list on the Retrospect site, I bought this DVD burner last week. I configured the drive within Retrospect to work with both DVD and CD media, and can get Retrospect to backup successfully to CDs, but not DVDs (have tried both DVD-R and +R). I get an error message that reads "Device Trouble: "1-2007 Backup..." error 100 (device rejected command)." I have also updated the firmware for the LaCie drive, and the driver for Retrospect (


After all this, my question really is: is my drive NOT supported by EMC? If not, can someone recommend one that is, so I can buy it and not have these headaches anymore?!!! Thanks!!


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Well, I don't work for EMC and so I certainly can't speak for them. But it looks like you have covered all bases, and have tried what my suggestion would be (try both DVD+R and -R).


I believe that LaCie puts different DVD drives in its d2 case. What does Retrospect's "Configure > Devices" show for the drive? What does Apple System Profiler show for the drive?

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Sorry to assume you had a connection to EMC... I was hoping for a magic fix!!!


Retrospect sees the drive as TSSTcorp DVD-R - RDI. However, Apple System Profiler sees Manufacturer: LaCie Group SA


Hmmm. A quick web search shows a lot of other forums where people are having problems burning to external media with these TSST drives... mostly PC users. The language is a little too "insider" speak for me.


Can anyone (please!!???) recommend an external DVD burner that will work with my Intel iMac and Retrospect? I promise I won't hold you to it; I've already dropped $200 useless dollars on this LaCie.


smile.gif Thank U!!!



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(1) the fact that Retrospect's Configure > Devices reports the drive as "TSSTcorp DVD-R - RDI" means that a "manual configuration" was done to attempt to get the drive to work, which matches your comment in your post that you "configured the drive within Retrospect to work with both DVD and CD media". Retrospect's database of "supported devices" reports that the LaCie Lightscribe d2 Firewire DVD burner is qualified to work with Retrospect Mac, but has an odd parenthetical note about the "SH-W162L version". See:

Retrospect supported devices - LaCie Lightscribe


Perhaps this is consistent with my experience that LaCie throws a variety of drives in its cases. Regardless, if a drive is supported (and it's not clear to me whether the TSSTcorp drive is), you get better results if you use the parameters in the RDU rather than parameters obtained by a manual configuration. Try dragging the .rdi file in /Library/Preferences/Retrospect to your desktop (with Retrospect not running) and then launch Retrospect, try to see if the drive works better with parameters in the RDU. If Retrospect doesn't recognize the drive, then (a) you have learned that it's not supported, and (B) you can move the .rdi file back and save the time/effort of doing another manual configuration.


(2) Post your unsupported optical drive information (both for the TSSTcorp drive, and the Apple System Profiler information for your iMac's optical drive) in the following thread where Robin Mayoff, Manager of Retrospect Tech Support at EMC, indicates that Retrospect's developers will be making a field trip to Apple to get unsupported optical drives to work with Retrospect:

EMC plans a field trip to Apple


There may be hope. Wish I could be of more help,



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Thanks again for the quick support and options.


I tried to move the .rdi file as suggested, but the only thing in my Library/Preferences/Retrospect folder is a data file named LaunchRetroPref. I went ahead and dragged it to the desktop, relaunched Retrospect, and got the same error message when trying to backup to DVD. So maybe this is one of my problems.


Also, I went back my System Profiler and looked at Disc Burning (last time I looked at FireWire Devices) and Apple sees the device as: TSSTcorp CD/DCDW SH-S182M with Firmware Revision LA00.


So, I will post this info on EMCs Apple Field Trip page in hopes of getting some feedback. Then I'll break down and call tech support directly.


Truly appreciate your input!


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I tried to move the .rdi file as suggested, but the only thing in my Library/Preferences/Retrospect folder is a data file named LaunchRetroPref.


Are you sure about that? What version of Retrospect do you have? We don't back up to a manually-configured DVD, so we don't have a .rdi file, but here's what you should see:


mail:~ admin$ ls -al /Library/Preferences/Retrospect

total 13936

drwxrwxr-x 12 admin admin 408 Aug 27 09:20 .

drwxrwxr-x 33 root admin 1122 Aug 28 11:46 ..

-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 6148 May 14 18:48 .DS_Store

-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Aug 27 2005 Icon?

-rwsrwxr-x 1 root admin 65800 Sep 19 2005 LaunchRetroHlper

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 6235541 Aug 27 09:20 Operations Log

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 275644 Aug 27 09:20 Retro.Config (6.0)

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 362164 Dec 21 2005 Retro.Icons (6.0)

-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 13780 Aug 27 09:20 Retrospect Event Handler

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 3127 Sep 8 2005 Retrospect.error.log.bf45d2bf

-rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 1743 Jul 11 2005 macmail.py

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 578 Aug 27 09:20 retrorunfile

mail:~ admin$

I don't see any file named "LaunchRetroPref".



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Thanks. I hate being an idiot. But what I see in the text of your last post... is incomprehensible for me to find. I'm thinking it may be code for something you copy-pasted or captured from your screen, but I can't track down this (mail:~ admin$ ls -al /Library) directory. I tried searching through my Retrospect app folder, my System folder, and of course, Users, but to no avail. (is there an HTML view that may translate your post? or a secret Mac admin tool that I can use?)


Please speak very loudly and very slowly if I'm really missing the point, thanks!!!


(this is what I see, copied from your earlier post)


mail:~ admin$ ls -al /Library/Preferences/Retrospect

total 13936

drwxrwxr-x 12 admin admin 408 Aug 27 09:20 .

drwxrwxr-x 33 root admin 1122 Aug 28 11:46 ..

-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 6148 May 14 18:48 .DS_Store

-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Aug 27 2005 Icon?

-rwsrwxr-x 1 root admin 65800 Sep 19 2005 LaunchRetroHlper

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 6235541 Aug 27 09:20 Operations Log

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 275644 Aug 27 09:20 Retro.Config (6.0)

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 362164 Dec 21 2005 Retro.Icons (6.0)

-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 13780 Aug 27 09:20 Retrospect Event Handler

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 3127 Sep 8 2005 Retrospect.error.log.bf45d2bf

-rwxrwxrwx 1 admin admin 1743 Jul 11 2005 macmail.py

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 578 Aug 27 09:20 retrorunfile

mail:~ admin$

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Sorry, I didn't mean to be obscure.


I opened a Terminal window (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app) and typed the "ls" (that's a lower case LS) command with the arguments "-al" (list all files, long format) and /Library/Preferences/Retrospect


In other words, show all the files in "/Library/Preferences/Retrospect".

(i.e., YourHardDriveName:/Library/Preferences/Retrospect"


NOT all files in YourHardDriveName:/Users/YourHomeDirectory/Library/Preferences/Retrospect


You can see the manual page for the ls command (or any other command) by, in Terminal, typing:

man ls


By extension, you can see the manual page for the man command by, in Terminal, typing:

man man


Clear? Hope this helps.



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You should know that this is farther into my Mac than I have ever gone, so...


thanks, that helped, I did find 5 .rdi files in that folder... located them with Sherlock (they were in the same folder I looked in yesterday, only invisible, but I could move them to my desktop...)


Restarted Retrospect and it asked to custom configure the drive again... which I did, and tried backup again. Same error.


Thanks for clarifying the process; I'll post my drive issues with Retrospect in the forum you suggested and go from there. I appreciate your help!!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a new Mac (MacBook Pro 17 - OS X - version 10.4.10) user, and just bought/installed Retrospect version 6.0.204 - I also purchased a LaCie d2 quadra 320GB external hardrive w/ FireWire 800 to back up to.


When I plug in the external hard drive it shows up on my Mac desktop as an icon, but when I launch Retrospect it can't find the external hard drive to back up to. It tells me "removable media such as zip, etc. must be mounted on the desktop" it then tells me that "currenly visable devices" are "Matshita DVD-R" (which is the disk drive built into my Mac).


I need help in getting all of this to actually work and backup my hard drive. Please HELP!!



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