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Version-Vista-One Touch Button Questions

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I have a few questions, as follows:


1. I have used Retrospect Express HD for about two years without any major problems, other than having to reinstall the software once. It came with my Maxtor One Touch II external 200 GB HD. I have tested the restore utility and it seems to work on a test basis. I am using the original software and there is no version on the CD. I see there is a free update available. Should I download the update and what is its purpose? As I said, I don’t know what version I am using so I am concerned that a download may skip a version, etc.


2. I am thinking about buying another laptop which will have the Vista Business OS. This decision will be accelerated if my current laptop (XP SP2) crashes. I note that Retrospect Express HD will not run on Vista. So, if my current system crashes now and I purchase a laptop with Vista Business OS, how would I get data from my crashed PC (currently backed up to my Maxtor One Touch II external HD) to the Vista PC? In anticipation of such a problem, I today used the file duplication function in Retrospect Express HD to copy all files from my PC to the Maxtor HD. In this way, I assume that a Vista-based PC could access these files via Windows Explorer and not have to use the Retrospect Express HD restore points and software. Am I correct in this assumption and does anyone have any other ideas? Perhaps purchase Acronis which I note is Vista compatible?


3. My One Touch button on the Maxtor One Touch II HD has ceased to function. I have tried rebooting, reconfiguring the software, etc. and nothing works. I have not reinstalled the software. Any ideas on this problem?



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