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Compare Retro to Intego Backup X?


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Hi, we have retro for windows but as per my last two and only threads i am thinking of using one of the macs (soon to be on delivered and installed) to do the backups. one coworker is saying Intego is the way to go, but as I don't have an install of that I can't make an analysis. Has anyone here ever used it and could give a quick summary of pros and cons? as mentioned in my other threads I am an ex-Acronic ATI user, so you can be technical. what i really want is ATI on the mac, but that is not going to happen anytime soon, and maybe the concept of image (partition) backups does not even exist in the HFS world, I don't know. But it sure has saved my butt many many times working with a mix of fat32 and NTFS systems, which is all I am really familiar with so far. i just want something that works. (add another period).


I have installed Retro and I really like the interface and feature set. But it won't run with an open file option (see -1017 error posting). So, assuming I can get that fixed, I am willing to give it a trial although I have little faith in a strategy that is backing up just files. Does this really really work with XP? The only way I can think of to verify this is to backup a box, wipe the box, and then restore it. I guess that would be the test.


Well, thanks!


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The only way I can think of to verify this is to backup a box, wipe the box, and then restore it. I guess that would be the test.


That is the bare minimum of testing that you should do before putting any backup strategy into production. And all that guarantees is that the specific box's configuration can be backed up.

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