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Old Retro G4PMac BackUps 'Incompatible' On MacBook

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I am trying to restore archived files from about a year ago. They were archived on DVD using Retrospect Express 5 on a G4 PowerMac desktop. I am trying to restore them using Retrospect 6.1 on my MacBook. Retrospect reads the archive file and asks for a DVD from the backup set. When I insert it, it marks it as 'incompatible'. Is there something I'm missing? I unfortunately no longer have access to the G4, but restored files on it only a few months ago using the same Retro-archived DVD's. I really need to get at these files!

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Retrospect reads the archive file and asks for a DVD from the backup set. When I insert it, it marks it as 'incompatible'.



- In this context, does "reads the archive file" refer to the Catalog file?


- Was this Catalog file brought over from the old machine?


- Where, exactly, does do you see something "marked" as incompatible?


- What version of Retrospect 6.1.x ?

- What version of the Retrospect RDU?

- What is the make/model/driver (as displayed in Retrospect's Device Status window) of the optical drive in the MacBook?

- Have you attempted to Rebuild the Catalog using the optical disk Media?

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I apologize for the lack of info.


Retrospect Version 6.1.126


Yes I was referring to the catalog file which was brought over from the G4 to my MacBook. The word incompatible shows up in the window where it is requesting the specific catalog disc, beside the listing of my Superdrive:Matshita DVD-R UJ857, Version HBEA, Driver - Panasonic DVD+RW (5.12). Beside the picture of a Cd/DVD is a pencil with a line through it and the word (unknown). The RDU is


I've tried running configure for the drive and it asks for a disc, writes to it, checks it, then ejects it and just sits saying 'Insert disc if necessary' while the little cogs turn and nothing happens. So perhaps this is a drive issue? In answering your question I see that the driver doesn't match my drive (DVD+R driver/DVD-R drive).


I have not attempted rebuilding the catalog. I'll give that a shot.

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> The RDU is


I'd suggest downloading and using the RDU version previous to this one (sorry, don't have the link handy; maybe Russ will post it when he gets a chance). There are some optical drive issues with the version you're using.


- What type of DVD media are you using? -R, +R, -+R, some RW variant, etc ?

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So none of my backups, done on DVD-R are workable on this drive? mad.gif Is this likely to be addressed at some point in an update? Does anyone know if I could clone the DVD's to DVD+R and have them be recognized by Retrospect?

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So none of my backups, done on DVD-R are workable on this drive?


That's the way it looks.



Is this likely to be addressed at some point in an update?


Development seems to have stopped at Retrospect as of last year when many people were laid off and the founder of the company left. Don't hold your breath; we've been waiting a couple of years for a Universal Binary version, and have only seen very minor tweaks. The product seems to have fallen into a maintenance mode without maintenance.



Does anyone know if I could clone the DVD's to DVD+R and have them be recognized by Retrospect?


The problem is that DVDs written by Retrospect are written using a different format/technology than other programs (e.g., the Finder or Toast, etc.) use. This is so the backup sets can be updated/appended by Retrospect. See:

Why does it take so long for Dantz to support some drives?

If you had a drive that could read the DVD-R backups using Retrospect, then you could "Transfer" the backups to a DVD+R and read them in Retrospect on your computer. That's your best course of action to pursue.



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If you had a drive that could read the DVD-R backups using Retrospect, then you could "Transfer" the backups to a DVD+R and read them in Retrospect on your computer. That's your best course of action to pursue.




Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'll give it a shot - fingers crossed!

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