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Filevault with Multi-server

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I was trying to check into how Retrospect handles FileVault images on Mac OS clients. The few references I could find referred to a backup option not to back up the filevault sparse images, but these were all relating to Retrospect 6.x.


I can't find any such option in Multi-Server 7.5. Does it exist, or am I looking in the wrong place? Does this version of Retrospect have any special handling for FileVault images?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, that is very helpful. I did eventually find the reference in the manual (and am embarrassed that I hadn't done so before posting). It does seem surprising that this version of Retrospect is missing the feature of skipping backup of sparse images. It would be nice if they would add it to a future version (if one ever happens).



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It does seem surprising that this version of Retrospect is missing the feature of skipping backup of sparse images. It would be nice if they would add it to a future version (if one ever happens).




Not that it helps you any, but the Retrospect Macintosh version does have a preference (per backup script) to skip backup of sparse images. So it's a known issue.



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