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Validation Compare Error


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I am getting a compare error on a file I can't locate on my hard drive. The error reads as follows:


7/1/2007 1:22:11 AM: Comparing Local Disk (C:)

File "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CreativeSheltersDevel\images\Fittings\Thumbs.db": didn't compare

7/1/2007 1:25:45 AM: 1 execution errors

Completed: 674 files, 1.2 GB, with 0% compression

Performance: 295.6 MB/minute (267.0 copy, 332.5 compare)

Duration: 00:25:13 (00:17:16 idle/loading/preparing)


I am running windows XP Professional with Retrospect Professional 7.5.387. How do I get rid of this error?

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