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Mac disconnects server

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Just upgraded from a much older version of retrospect to the latest OSX version.

Retrospect stops backing up since the mac now randomly loses connection to the server.

Running a G4-400, osx 10.3.9, Scsci Dat 3 drive.

Backing up only changed files on a Solaris server with 3 - 800gb volumes

Previously had been running the same configuration under os9 without issues.

Any one have any ideas?

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Just upgraded from a much older version of retrospect to the latest OSX version.



And, apparently, you upgraded from a much older version of Mac OS.


> the mac now randomly loses connection to the server.


What, exactly, does this mean?


> Backing up only changed files on a Solaris server


How, exactly, is your backup configured?

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Yes we were running system 9. It was Version 4 of Retrospect.


The backup will error out part way when all of the server volumes dismount from the Mac.


It is set to back up everything with about 10 exceptions, things like .job files.


Had to start over with the catalog since the new version doesn't write to version 4 catalog sets. So now I am trying to back up the entire server. It usually takes 3 or 4 days and a dozen tapes when we recycle the tapes. Here I am at wednesday morning and at tape #6. The error in the log is -43 file not found (many times). Obvious since the server volumes are no longer mounted?! It is dismounting the server 2 or 3 times a day so I have to go back and remount them and start the process all over.

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What we know:


- You are using Tape Backup Sets

- Your Source is files on a Solaris server of some sort

- You are using a Macintosh G4-400, osx 10.3.9, with a Scsci Dat 3 drive

- The Mac randomly loses connection to the server


Some of the things we don't know:


- What file sharing protocol is being used to mount the Solaris share points on the Macintosh.

- Whether or not the steps outlined in the Retrospect Read Me are being used to mount the remote share(s).

- If sustained reads via the Finder cause any problem with shares on this same Macintosh.

- What make/model of SCSI host adapter is being used for the DAT drive.


During backups, Retrospect accesses Source files as Read Only; the program is not doing anything that should cause a remote file server to disconnect.


- Is there any information in the file sharing log of the Solaris file server?




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