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Duplicate to New DVD each week day

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Using Disk-to-Disk on Server 2003 to an external, USB DVD writer


I want to duplicate a directory every day to a new DVD. The amount of data is less than one DVD.


It appears one can only Duplicate to a Volume. Is there some way to duplicate to a blank DVD?


I want my user to only have to remove last night DVD and add a blank one.

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I beleive it's because you are using the "Disk-to-Disk" version. Unless I'm mistaken, you'll need the full blown Retrospect or at least Retrospect Express. Somewhere on the EMC web site is the matrix that shows the capability of each version of Retrospect. Good Hunting.

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There's no mention of that in the product comparison matrix at



It says Disk to Disk supports a single server and supports DVD devices. Indeed I can use the DVD writer to do a Backup. There is no apparent way to do a Duplicate to a DVD writer - only a named Volume.


Retrospect for Windows Professional Edition and Retrospect Express are for workstations - e.g. XP Pro, Vista - not servers.

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You are correct it seems. I do indeed see that Disk-to Disk is supposed to support CD/DVD devices. While I haven't tried making a DVD backup from my own copy of Disk-to-Disk yet, I believe I'll try it this weekend and see what result I get. I'll post the results.

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