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(-37) Invalid Name errors

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I pray anyone can help...


I've got Retrospect 6.0 on an Xserve. I have a Snap Serve network drive (runs on NT) that has a Mac Volume in it. I'm trying to do a backup of one of the Xserve's shared volumes on to the NT's drive. The NT drive is mounted on the Xserve, I can manually copy files back and forth (even ones Retrospect claims are causing this error) but I can't get Retrospect to do a backup. The log keeps giving me (-37) Invalid Name errors, and last one reported an offending file that didn't exist (at least not when I searched for it) and Retrospects documentation is pretty weak on this error, as the writer assumes you're backing up an NT volume, not the other way around.


Any suggestions to end this backup nightmare? computergrem1.gif

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'm trying to do a backup of one of the Xserve's shared volumes on to the NT's drive.



Retrospect backs up Sources to Destinations. Sources can be logical volumes or subvolumes, while backup Destinastions are allways Backup Sets. There are multiple Types of Backup Sets, but you have neglected to describe what Type you are using.


Using remote volumes under Mac OS X has some special considerations, as outlined in both the User's Guide and in the ReadMe file that comes with the program. Note that in some situations, file sharing protocols other then AFP might be a problem for some users (I remember early SNAP devices supported AFP, but you don't provide enough information here to go on).


Note also that "Retrospect 6.0" is an incomplete description of the software you are using. All version of Retrospect have more specific version numbers then this (6.0.xxx), and Retrospect users should use modern versions of the Retrospect Device Update (RDU) to insure their software is current.


Retrospect 6.1.126 is the most current version as of this writing, with RDU being the second-to-most recent update file, that users here are recommending to each other.

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I really couldn't care less about Retrospect's symantics, I just want the **** to work for once. Nonetheless, in Retrospect's terminology, my backup 'source' is one of the shared volumes that reside on one of the Xserve's internal hard drives. I am attempting to run a 'Duplicate' backup...there are no backup sets involved at all. My 'destination' is a directory that is on one of the Snap Server's internal SCSI hard drives. Every time I run this 'duplicate' process 'immediately,' Retrospect churns out the (-37) error, flagging a different file nearly every time. Last time it flagged an invisible file, which tells me all my cache files and like items are going to cause this error over and over unless I can change a setting somewhere.


It's worth noting that on another server I have the exact same version of Retrospect (different serial, of course) on the exact same operating system (OS X Server 10.3.9) that is performing the exact same 'duplicate' backup of our accounting databases to the exact same Snap Server and it has no errors whatsoever.


I also really don't give two flying feats about Restrospect's latest version. I'm suffering through 6.0.178 and they've yet to prove any reason to pay them my good money for an upgrade beyond that. tongue.gifmad.gifcomputergrem1.gif

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I'm suffering through 6.0.178 and they've yet to prove any reason to pay them my good money for an upgrade beyond that.


The upgrade to the current version of Retrospect (6.1.126) is a free upgrade from 6.0.xxx, and has many bug fixes. But, of course, you don't give two flying feats about fixing your problem; you just want to rant.


Good luck. Your initial sentence in your first post may be your only hope (prayer).



I pray anyone can help...



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