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unix backup with exclusions

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- Fedora Core 5 = data backup


My problem is i cannot exclude files and folders within the /opt partition in FC5.

I created a subvolume with the folder which I want to backup

Here is an example of what I am trying to do:


All the data I want to backup is under /opt/software.








If I exclude say folder1 and folder2, when I run the check selector, these folders are not excluded.


When I exlude the files and folders, here are my settings:


UNIX OS --> Path

File = checked

Folder = checked

path = does match pattern

Include enclosed folders = checked

Match case = unchecked


I saved my exlcusions and named it as a selector.

I tried using the selector for another FC5 machine, it doesnt appear to backup anything at all.

Has anyone experienced the same problem with UNIX exclusions?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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