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Upgraded to 6.0 - catalog error message

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We've upgraded to 6.0 from an older version on OSX 10.3, but we're getting an error message when we try and start the backup running. The error message says : "The catalog is pre-6.0 and read-only".


What can we do to get it working again? I've tried to find some kind of 'import/upgrade' catalog option, but there doesn't seem to be one. I've also searched for that message on Google, but no no avail.


Anybody seen this before and know how to solve it?





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Retrospect's backup and catalog format changed in Retrospect 6.x to support (such as it does) Mac OS 10.4 metadata. See the release notes for Retrospect 6.0:

Retrospect 6.0 release notes



Older Backup Sets:
The format that Retrospect uses for backup sets' catalog files has been changed to support some of the new features.
Users will need to create new backup sets in order to back up data.
The new backup sets will not be recognized with previous versions of Retrospect. Older backup sets will be treated as read-only. While users will not be able to append to pre-existing backup sets, they will be able to restore data from them, and will be able to recreate the older backup sets' catalog files from their media if necessary.


Even though it won't fix this problem, I would suggest that you also upgrade to Retrospect 6.1 (it's a free upgrade from 6.0) for bug fixes, etc. The updates are here:

Retrospect 6.1 Macintosh updates


Also, although it won't fix this problem, you should install the Retrospect Driver Update ("RDU"). You might want to consider using RDU because some people have reported problems with RDU The RDU versions are here:

RDU version history


Good luck.



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Thanks for that - the machine is 10.3 (and the filesystems it is backing up are local), so seems a little crazy to go through re-creating the sets for a new feature which is irrelvent, but there you go I guess. It is running the latest version of everything already.


Thanks for the help



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so seems a little crazy to go through re-creating the sets for a new feature which is irrelvent



While metadata might not be something important to you, the upgrade from 5.x to 6.x contained other changes, too. The largest change, and likely the one that forced the lack of complete read/write backwards compatibility, was the breaking of the previous barrier to the amount of data a Backup Set could contain. Before the release of 6.0, a Retrospect Backup Set could not copy more then a Terrabyte of data. With the typical size of new hard drives being 1/4 Terrabyet or larger, that limit was relevant for many users.



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It is running the latest version of everything already.


I'll take your word for it. Perhaps there was a typo in your first post?



We've upgraded to
from an older version.


These two statements seem inconsistent to me because 6.1.126 is the "latest version".



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