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DVD never finishes erasing

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This just started happening about 3 days ago. My current DVD-RW is full. I get a prompt for a new disk. Starts erasing and 20 minutes later is never finishes erasing.. It beeps at me to prompt me but no message appears. Any ideas? I tried two different brands of DVD-RW (FUJIFILM and IMATION).


Retrospect 6.1 on a G5 Dual with 2GB RAM.

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Retrospect 6.1


6.1.what ? (i.e., exactly what version of Retropect?)

What RDU version? Has the RDU changed recently?

What manufacturer / model of DVD-RW?

Did you manually configure it, or is it using the configuration from the RDU?

(i.e., does a .rdi file exist in /Library/Preferences/Retrospect ?)



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You still have not provided your RDU version or whether you have one installed. This information can be found in the Retrospect log, or in the "Retrospect > About Retrospect" menu dialog. As a comment, if your DVD drive (whose details you still have not provided) is a supported drive, supported by parameters in the RDU, operations seem to go much faster (and more reliably) on the drive than if use a "manual configuration". The list of supported devices is here:

Retrospect supported devices

(but there seem to be some devices missing from this database that are listed in the RDU version history - see below).


The RDU update versions are here:

RDU version history


I would suggest that you use RDU because some people have reported issues with RDU

If you have done a manual configuration (you still haven't provided details on this), I would suggest quitting Retrospect, dragging the .rdi file from /Library/Preferences/Retrospect to the desktop (in case you want to go back to that configuration without manual configuring again), installing the current RDU, starting Retrospect, seeing if erase time improves. You can pre-erase in the "Configure > Devices" window.



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