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Deferred Execution


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I am running Retrospect Express Version 7.5.387. Somehow, the "Don't allow scheduled and waiting executions to start" parameter has gotten checked and as a result, Retrospect will not launch automatically to run scheduled exections. I cannot reset the check box. For some reason, it is "greyed out". I have read the help documentation, and have looked through every option of the software that I can find, and have not been able to reset this parameter. I have removed the software from the system and have reinstalled the software -- no help. I have deleted all scripts and backup sets, and recreated them -- no help. I am at my wits end in trying to solve this problem, and until I do, Retrospect is only useful to me as a manual backup routine. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? I have been through the knowledge databases and have found nothing. Every reference to the "Don't allow scheduled and waiting executions to start" parameter suggests that I should simply be able to click the box and reset the check, but I cannot.

Please help.


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That DID it!! Thanks!!! I guess it is somewhere in the documentation because I did not read every word. But I searched on "deferred execution" and "don't allow ..." and just failed to see anything about that little red button. Anyway, I appreciate your help.


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