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Hi everyone,

I have a client running Retrospect 6.1 on a G5 server, backing up 4 client computers, and it's nearly full, to the point where I can't add any other clients to the server. All of the backups are done to an internal HDD. One of the things that's taking up a lot of space is the older backup files. I wasn't the one to initially configure it, so I don't know if it's a setting which can be initially configured, but I'd like to set Retrospect to automatically delete files over, say, 2 months of age. Is there an easy way of doing this? If not, is there an easy solution to my problem of running out of space?



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I'd like to set Retrospect to automatically delete files over, say, 2 months of age. Is there an easy way of doing this?


There is, but only on the Windows version, which permits "grooming" of a backup set to delete older snapshots. You might want to put in a "feature request" to get feature parity on the Macintosh version.



If not, is there an easy solution to my problem of running out of space?


Not unless you want to start over with that backup set by erasing it and going forward, but that would lose all of your old snapshots and start over from today.


If you had spare storage space, you could "Transfer" some stuff to a new backup set on that new storage, thereby making the new backup set smaller.



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Drat, I was affraid it'd be something like that... It's like when I found out that there was no Access for Mac. I'm more of a PC guy, so these are all nasty little suprises. =P


I will put in a feature request, and I'll consider spitting the backup onto different network locations. Thanks for your response!


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