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Assertion check at "elem.c-923"

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We are running:

∆ Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 6/5/2007 8:42 AM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version


On a Mac G4 800MHz, 1 Gig memory, Server 10.3.9, with external RAID for storage, backing up to an external FW800 drive made by OWC. The machine backs up the server (itself) and a number of Macintosh clients on the network.


At the end of backups Retrospect puts up a error dialog:

Internal consistency check failed: Assertion check at "elem.c-923"


I have updated the Retrospect driver, run disk utilities on the external backup drive, no luck.


Has anyone seen anything similar, and hopefully found a resolution?

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Check out the thread Error Code: elem.c-923 Internal Consistency Check failed.


I'd first suspect a corrupt configuration file, Retro.Config, located at /Library/Preferences/Retrospect. If you have a backup copy of the file from before the time the assert began to appear, try replacing the current file with the backup copy.


Otherwise, quit Retrospect, drag the Retro.Config file to the desktop, and relaunch the app. Try a test backup and see if it completes successfully. If it does, the file was corrupt. Unfortunately, if you don't have a good backup copy, you'll then need to recreate all your scripts, custom selectors, and lists from scratch.

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