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File won't compare - yet seems OK


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I see other users have reported the same thing - so I thought I'd add my tuppence worth.


The file which won't verify for me is Microsoft's Windows Memory Diagnostics program, mtinst.exe, which is: 639 KB (654,920 bytes) in size. Obviously the size on disk is: 640 KB (655,360 bytes).


Log entry is:


04/06/2007 02:15:56: Comparing Local Disk (C:)

File "C:\downloads\Microsoft\Windows Memory Diagnostic\mtinst.exe": didn't compare

04/06/2007 02:36:57: 1 execution errors



I see in the report:




a very similar file size - and with 655,360 being a "magic" number - this could lead one to suspect there is a problem around this.



Restoring the file to another location and comparing it to the original with BeyondCompare shows them to be byte-for-byte identical.


The fact that this file is available for download from Microsoft may give you something to work with.


This failure to verify has occurred on the last two backups with 7.5.387 (which I updated to today) - and 7.5.324 (the previous version I used).


Winver reports my windows XP version as:

Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300 : Service Pack 2)

Machine is DuoCore.


Hope that helps - would be interested to know how this problem evolves.



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