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tons of entries in retrospect error logs, please help!


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I just got a Iomega Network Hard Drive and am trying to "Duplicate" my Hard Drive. I am using Windows XP and Retrospect Express 7.5.387. I am getting thousands of errors, here is a sample. Please let me know how to fix these!


Types of errors are:

1) Warning: The destination volume F Drive Duplicate on NetHDD on Iomega-014b83 does not support extended file attributes.

2) different creation date/time

3) path too long

4) appears incomplete




Sample error log:

+ Duplicate using F Drive Duplicate at 6/2/2007 1:00 AM

To volume F Drive Duplicate on NetHDD on Iomega-014b83...

Warning: The destination volume F Drive Duplicate on NetHDD on Iomega-014b83 does not support extended file attributes.


- 6/2/2007 1:00:00 AM: Copying Local Disk (F:)

6/2/2007 5:40:32 AM: Comparing F Drive Duplicate on NetHDD on Iomega-014b83

File "F:\DOWNLOADS\putty.exe": different creation date/time (src: 3/17/2005 10:46:28 AM, dest: 3/17/2005 10:46:34 AM)

File "F:\My Pictures\2005\Yosemite June 2005\110CANON\_MG_1021.xmp": different creation date/time (src: 7/18/2005 9:59:10 PM, dest: 7/18/2005 9:59:24 PM)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Fmntguy\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\NWF62MCZ\l.yimg.com\cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com\ver\228\embed-2007-04-25-1415\swf\yup_embed_module.swf\TestMovie_Config_Info.sol": can't write, error -1128 (path too long)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\Fmntguy\Local Settings\Application Data\Yahoo\YMP\yahoomusicengine.log": appears incomplete

File "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\mcafee_3MTpOC3MgzJhcQk": appears incomplete

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