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Restore on MAC a WINDOWS TAPE with Retrospect

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I am running 6.1 on a MacBook Pro and want to restore/access TAPES on a Exabyte VXA-2 (FireWire) which have been written on a WINDOWS machine.

It might be a stupid question, but I have not found a solution to it. The WINDOWS version seemed to have used a different storage format !?

Any help or will I be stuck to install Retrospect on a WINDOWS machine to use those tapes ?




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I am running 6.1 on a MacBook Pro and want to restore/access TAPES on a Exabyte VXA-2 (FireWire) which have been written on a WINDOWS machine.


Then you will have to run Retrospect Windows under Boot Camp or Parallels to do the restore.



It might be a stupid question, but I have not found a solution to it. The WINDOWS version seemed to have used a different storage format !?





Any help or will I be stuck to install Retrospect on a WINDOWS machine to use those tapes ?


See above for only known way unless/until the capability is added to the Mac version to read Retrospect Windows tapes. Another thought, still involving running Retrospect Windows, would be to run Windows Retrospect, restore to a sacrificial drive, take that drive over to the Mac and mount. Mac OS X can read and write FAT32 and can read (but can't write) NTFS.



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many thanks despite the fact that you confirmed my "wildest" fears.

Well, I will have to dig out the old WINDOWS copy.....

Would it be sufficient to run a downloadable Retrospect for WINDOWS demo from the EMC webpage? Install it under Bootcamp and perform the restore to an external HD.

Do I need to install drivers from the Exabyte homepage? I seem to remember that it was quite tricky to get the tape drive (exabyte vxa-2, firewire) running.

Many thanks for any help and/or advice


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Would it be sufficient to run a downloadable Retrospect for WINDOWS demo from the EMC webpage? Install it under Bootcamp and perform the restore to an external HD.


Yes. Mac OS 10.4 can read and write FAT32 and can read (but cannot write) NTFS, so the data should be accessible once you come back up in Mac OS X.



Do I need to install drivers from the Exabyte homepage? I seem to remember that it was quite tricky to get the tape drive (exabyte vxa-2, firewire) running.


That's a Windows question that I can't answer. Perhaps the Retrospect Windows documentation says what is needed, or you could ask in the Retrospect Windows forum. No need to bring in the bootcamp complexity, just mention that you are doing an eval with Windows version (whatever) and Exabyte VXA-2 firewire, want to know whether you need to install Exabyte drivers, etc., and which ones.



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