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Retrospect Crashing When Closing

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PowerMac G4


OWC Serial Card/ATA drive

Retrospect 6.1.126 w/latest driver


No matter what type of duplication backup I try to do, Reptrospect will crash/freeze when closing but before verifying the backup.


Nothing is recorded in the log...just that I started the duplication.


I tried backing up from the Serial to IDE drives, stock IDE to FireWire, or FireWire to Serial and each time Retrospect will hard freeze at the same place...right before it starts to verify. I booted to different drives and nothing makes a difference.


It appears the backup occurred but I have no way of checking since nothing shows up in the log.

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> I am duplicating


Retrospect's Duplicate function uses Apple provided APIs, same as what the Finder uses. So this is sounding more like a hardware issue then an application fault.


> I tried backing up from the Serial to IDE drives, stock IDE to

> FireWire, or FireWire to Serial and each time Retrospect will hard freeze

> at the same place...right before it starts to verify. I booted to

> different drives and nothing makes a difference


To this mix of tests, I would suggest disconnecting the SATA host adapter and trying PATA to FireWire. Just to confirm that the OWC card isn't a cause.


- Is everything else about the G4 stock?


- In each of the tests above (...to PATA, to FW, to Serial), was the Destination volume empty and erased?

- Was the Source different for all or some of the tests above? Does the same thing happen no matter how large or small you Source volume is? Try defining a reasonably small folder as a Subvolume, and use that as your Source. What happens?



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Before I removed the OWC card I:


I used a small and then a larger source folder and duplicated to an IDE and then a FireWire drive from the Serial drive and it worked perfectly each time.


The time I tried to duplicate from the Serial to FireWire, the drive was erased and empty. The time I tried from the Serial to IDE drive, it was the normal duplication as a backup I usually run and was full from a prior backup.


The rest of the G4 is stock...extra RAM and an extra USB card.

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Okay, thanks.


I use Duplicate (for a backup bootable drive)


Source Drive: Serial Drive connected via OWC Serial PCI card.


Test one: Destination Drive: Internal IDE Drive


Files: First a small folder (38MB) Second large folder (980MB)


Both duplicated okay with no errors.


Test Two: Destination Drive: External FireWire Drive


Files: First a small folder (38MB) Second large folder (980MB)


Both duplicated okay with no errors.


My normal duplication is to copy about 100 gigs of hard drive space. Most of the time, around 10-20 gigs of new data is duplicated per backup.


When the system freezes, Retrospect is "closing" and it states there are no files left to copy. It appears it freezes when it is moving to the verification stage. I checked my verification and only have the verification option checked. All drives are formated Extended only (not journaled and no FileVault).

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For each failure, the source was the same Serial Hard Drive (my main hard drive). However to test, I did a duplication from IDE to FireWire and still had the freeze problem.



Can you see how the above statement contradicts itself?


So to be clear, the problem shows when the Source is either of two different physical drives, and when the Destination is any of three physical drives?


Is that accurate?


When you test using a folder defined as a subvolume (as Source) there is no problem.

When you test using the root level of the volume (as Source) there is a problem.


Is this accurate?

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So to be clear, the problem shows when the Source is either of two different physical drives, and when the Destination is any of three physical drives?


Is that accurate?


When you test using a folder defined as a subvolume (as Source) there is no problem.

When you test using the root level of the volume (as Source) there is a problem.


Is this accurate?



Yes, that is accurate.

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OK, so can you tell us anything else about the circumstances where the problem occurs? Something that's common across all instances?


For example (but for heaven's sake, not limited to), does the failure occur when the Destination drive is already populate, as well as when the Destination is erased?


You've gotta throw us a bone here; Duplicate works for you in some tests, but not in others. Since you're the one in front of the machine, only you know what you're doing when it goes wrong.



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It does not seem to matter if the destination drive is populated or erased.


It does not matter what bus the destination drive is located on.


It seems to occur only when I want to duplicate the entire drive, not folders.


It does occur at the exact same time...after closing and appears that it is proceeding to verify.


I make sure that nothing else is running for the duplication....no screen saver, nothing. I have energy saver set so that nothing sleeps including the drives.


I have not changed my duplication process for years. It also worked after the OWC card was installed (duplication was how I moved to the new drive).


I cleaned out all caches via Cocktail, ran Disk Warrior and repaired permissions.


I remember there was a way to turn on a more expansive trouble shooting log but have long forgotten how to due that.


This is not much new but it is basically it.

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I have not changed my duplication process for years. It also worked after the OWC card was installed



Well, _there's_ a tasty tidbit that has up until now been withheld. Might have saved lots of effort if you'd included the fact that this same hardware was working before.




Have you tried with fresh preferences? Move or rename the Retro.Config (6.0) file from /Library/Preferences/Retrospect/ and allow the program to generate a new one. That would be an early test for a problem that crops up on an otherwise working configuration.



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Okay...I just ran a complete duplication from the serial drive to the FireWire drive successfully. It copied over 15 gigs of data.


To do so, I turned OFF verification.


So the problem causing the crash must be where it switches from copying to verification. When it crashes, it is still showing at the very end of the copy progress (zero files left to copy) and has not moved to the verification progress or to the verification screen.

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